
About Me

Olá, world! My name is Carolina Simões Araújo.

I have completed a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at University of Aveiro and I am eager to continue to pursue my education through different branches of this vast field.

Ever since I was little I have been fascinated by everything regarding technology, thanks to my dad! Following his footsteps, I wish to build a career where I can create solutions that help others on their day-to-day, mundane tasks, making them more easy (and perhaps fun).

Being born exactly in the year 2000, I was fortunate enough to watch part of the immense boom of this industry - and this only ignited my curiosity. While maintaining good grades, I plummeted into the world of video games, streaming and social media, which also lead me to develop a taste for image and video editing.

My areas of interest range from Full Stack Development, Data Science, Game Development, Computer Architecture, CyberSecurity and many others to come.

I see myself as someone with a lot of perseverance and that is also diligent and attentive. Someone that managed to complete everything and never quit. I thrive in teamwork settings, given the fact that I am helpful, assiduous, concentrated and motivated.


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Awards, Diplomas and Publications

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